What is the Columbia Gas Northern Loop Project?
Communities north and west of Columbus are thriving. Since the 1990s, we’ve been expanding our system to keep service reliable by bringing gas from the west and south. However, we’re reaching the limits of what’s possible with the existing gas system. A new supply of gas is urgently needed to maintain reliable service in this area.
Our Northern Loop Project will meet this demand by connecting to gas supplies on the east side of Columbus.
Initial Written Notice
We have filed an application with the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB). They have accepted our application and scheduled a public hearing to receive input from the community. We are required to provide a formal notice to the community. We encourage you to read this notice, including the ways you can learn more about the project and how you can comment to the OPSB.
More information on the April 28th public hearing can be found at OPSB website.Application
Click the links below to access our application and appendices in OPSB case number 20-1236-GA-BTX.
ApplicationAppendices A, B and C
Appendices D.1 Part 1A
Appendices D.1 Part 1A
Appendices D.1 Part 2
Appendices D.1 Part 3
Appendices D.1 Part 4
Appendices D.2 Part 1
Appendices D.2 Part 2
Appendices D.2 Part 3
Appendices D.2 Part 4
Appendices D.2 Part 5
Appendices D.2 Part 6
Appendices D.2 Part 7
Appendices E through H
To request a paper copy of the application, please email intheloop@nisource.com.
Click the links below to access our amendments to the Northern Columbus Loop Project.
Amendment Cover Letter
Appendix A - Cultural Report Addendum
Appendix B - SHPO Concurrence Letter
Appendix C - Wetland Delineation Addendum
Appendix D - Figure 4
Preferred and Alternate Routes
See a map that shows the Preferred and Alternate routes. The pages follow the routes from east to west, starting at the origination point in Delaware County and ending in Union County.
Public Meeting Presentation
Learn more by reading the presentation from our online public meeting in August 2020. Download the presentation.
View Transcript
Dublin, Jerome Township, Marysville, and all the communities north and west of Columbus, they're thriving. And for decades, we've been improving our natural gas system to provide the reliable service that keeps the heart of this area beating strong. Now, existing lines just can't keep up. We need new gas supplies to keep service reliable. Without them, the pulse will slow.
Our Northern Loop project will bring more natural gas to serve your home, businesses and schools. Bringing the gas this area needs, keeping service reliable and safe, keeping the heart beating strong. Learn more at ColumbiaGasOhio.com/intheloop.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the timeline for this project?
We have filed our application to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) in Case No. 20-1236-GA-BTX. If the project is approved, we plan to construct the line in 2022 and place the line into service by the end of that year.
Thank you for your response.
Why is this project needed?
The communities in northwestern Franklin County and southeastern Union County have grown by thousands of customers per year in the last 20 years. We have added new supply lines to bring gas from the west and south to keep natural gas service reliable, but we’re reaching the limits of what’s possible with the existing gas system. A new supply of gas is needed to maintain reliable service in this area.
Thank you for your response.
What will happen if you don’t build the Northern Loop?
Companies looking to locate or add jobs may not get the gas they need. Homes will not have the same gas reliability. New offices, schools and stores will compete for dwindling gas supplies. Eventually, it will not be possible to serve new customers in this area.
Thank you for your response.
What are your next steps?
Our application to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) has been filed in Case No. 20-1236-GA-BTX. The OPSB will conduct a review of Columbia's application and seek public input (see Initial Written Notice above). We will also work with property owners to obtain easements, and apply for permits and other items needed for construction. We will continue to meet with property owners, public officials and community members throughout the project.
Thank you for your response.
Who will review the project?
We will seek approval from the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB). Our project application has been filed in Case No. 20-1236-GA-BTX.
Thank you for your response.
What is the Ohio Power Siting Board?
The Ohio Power Siting Board, also known as the OPSB, is a state agency that considers requests for approval of large electric and natural gas infrastructure projects. You can read more about the OPSB at the Ohio Power Siting Board website. Our project application will be filed in Case No. 20-1236-GA-BTX.
Thank you for your response.
How does the Northern Loop project answer the need for new gas supplies?
The Northern Loop project is designed to bring natural gas from pipelines on the eastern side of Franklin County, where supplies are abundant, to areas north and west of Columbus. Several phases of the project have already been completed, bringing the line to Delaware County. The final phase, being planned now, will loop from southern Delaware County to Southeast Union County, where it will connect to our existing gas distribution system.
Thank you for your response.
What kind of survey will you be doing on my property?
We may conduct several types of surveys on properties, and each is done by a different crew. A civil survey crew will consist of two or three people carrying GPS units/tripods. A wetland/waterbody survey crew will consist of two people carrying a GPS unit/pad and a soil auger. If we suspect there may be a wetland on a property, we will need to dig small holes (three inches wide by 20 inches deep) to investigate the soils in the area. The small holes are backfilled with native material when we are complete. A cultural resource survey crew will consist of two or three people carrying GPS units, shovels, trowels, mesh screens, and bucket auger (as needed). If this survey is needed, we may be required to dig test pits (approximately one foot wide and one foot deep) every 50 feet when a visual survey cannot be completed. The pits will be backfilled with native material when we are complete. All types of surveys will be completed on foot, and we will not be driving across any properties.
Thank you for your response.
What will you do to protect the environment and cultural resources?
A team has identified any sensitive environmental or cultural areas in the vicinity to minimize the project’s impact. Construction will follow regulations from the U.S. EPA, Ohio EPA, Army Corps of Engineers and others to protect the environment.
Thank you for your response.
Will this project make gas service available in areas not currently served?
We are installing the Northern Loop Project as a way to bring gas from our eastern Columbus system to our western Columbus system. We anticipate that this loop will provide reliable service for existing customers and an opportunity for new communities in the area to potentially receive gas service. At this time, the project is focusing on the transportation of gas, but Columbia will work with interested customers and communities on opportunity for gas service in the future.
Thank you for your response.
I received a certified letter that says “Notice of Entry”, what does that mean?
In order to identify the best possible route for the Northern Loop project, we will need to do a variety of surveys on properties that lie on or near a possible pipeline location. State law allows utilities to enter properties for the purpose of performing these surveys, provided we notify you no less than 48 hours and no more than 30 days prior to such entry. The certified letter you received is simply to let you know that Columbia or our contractor will be sending a crew to your property to perform one of the surveys in the near future. If for some reason we need to perform a survey after the initial 30-day notice expires, you will receive another notice of entry letter. If you have specific questions or concerns about these surveys, please email us at intheloop@nisource.com or call us at 1-833-903-1056.
Thank you for your response.
Contact us
Do you have a question or concern? Please contact us. We will respond to your message within two business days.
- Call: 833-903-1056
- Email: intheloop@nisource.com
- Media: Erica Chronaberry 614-309-7576 or echronaberry@nisource.com